just a collection of trees.jpg


there is a forest which isn’t a forest
just a collection of trees
Poul Borum, trans. Lansing McLoskey

At the heart of our season is a meditation on the unfolding of time not confined to evolution in a linear fashion, but rather as a revolution; an equilibrium of hope and futility — a means of waiting — through musical portraits of natural and human cycles.

To ensure the safety of our singers, their families, and our community at large this performance will not be open to an in-person audience. Instead, the concert will be presented online as our artists perform within recommended guidelines for singing.


Again (after Ecclesiastes) by David Lang
Dear World by Lansing McLoskey
When the Earth stands still by Don MacDonald
Lagrime d’amante al sepolcro dell’amata by Claudio Monteverdi
One day I saw (from Anonymous Man) by Michael Gordon
I saw you under the fig tree by Elliot Cole
Requiem for a Forest, Op. 168 by Eric Funk*
To Be Sung on the Water by Samuel Barber
Selig sind die Toten, SWV 391 by Heinrich Schütz
Again (after Ecclesiastes) by David Lang

with Natalie Padilla & Cade Fiddaman, violin, Mary Landeen, viola, Julia Cory-Slovarp, cello, Jon Ford, bass, and Alison Todd, organ

*Commissioned by and proudly presented in collaboration with Intermountain Opera Bozeman.